Misty Watford of Florence shares a moment with her three-year-old son Zane while preparing dinner in the family's kitchen on Thursday, February 26, 2009.The Watford family is one of many families receiving Medicaid to assist with nursing care for a sick family member. Zane, who suffers from a mitochondrial disorder, has been hospitalized more than a dozen times, has had five surgeries and has a feeding tube so the family can be sure he is getting proper nutrition. Both of Zane's parents work full time, and although the family has good health insurance they rely on Medicaid to cover the daily nursing care, which Zane requires. Watford said if the Medicaid cuts continue, it could be someone like Zane who loses coverage next. “I know what it’s like to need that help, and it’s there,” she said. “It depresses me when I hear about the cuts they’ve been making. The medical needs are going to be there whether they cut or not.”
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