I was lucky enough to get to hang out with Darlington county farmer Ricky James today for a New Years story we are doing collard greens.. what an awesome day.. I would have stayed all day but Mr. James had to go to Christmas dinner... maybe I should have gone with him. I don't know how I feel about these photos in color so I converted them, but now I may post the color ones too.
In 2005 90-year-old Lawson Debose's house burned to the ground. Since then he has been living in shack with no running water, a single light bulb, and magazines lining the walls to keep the wind out... very much like the images from the WPA (my idol Walker Evans)from the 1930's. It is 2007 and the south has changed so little. In August, The Morning News published a story about his living conditions, since then the community rallied together to raise funds and build him a new house. Today was the open house.. I wish I had been with the story from the beginning but here a few photos from the story. The first photo is by fellow staffer Angela Kershner, the second by chief photog John Russell, the last three are minefrom today... I love my job.
I'm not a huge fan of basketball, I may even say I hate it, but tonight was fun. I played all through the two games and feature I needed to shoot for work.. for this one I took my Sigma 18-55 on my 1D camera and the smaller crop vinetted the edges, I like it here, but it's a gimic most of the time. I want a holga.
Today I had to "shoot fall colors" so I put the dog in the car and went for a long hike in Lynches River Park here are a few.. It was amazing to get paid to be outside all day... The one of Larkin is just for me but the other three are for paper... off to basketball