I love my job... today I met C.W. Choate, he found a 35 pound mushroom in the woods behind his house. It was awesome, he is amazing, and I am lucky as hell to have this job.
this was cool... a bunch of people gathered not to "protest" but to encourage the candidates to make global warming and environmental issues a priority
I spent the better part of yesterday at the GOP Debate in Myrtle Beach. I had the a.m. shift arriving at 7 in the morning. things didn't really rolling until noon. But it was really, really fun!!! And wonderful to be a part of history. We had two photographers there, Angie covered the candidates as the afternoon shooter. It freed me up to do the man on the street stuff I love. Here are a few favorites from the Romney camp...
And the staff of the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle this piece blows my mind... http://www.democratandchronicle.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070405/MULTIMEDIA05/301130001
of time noticing hands and trying to make myself photograph them on a regular basis. What I haven't been doing is keeping them all together with a small story of each person. Today starts a new year.. so the hand project officially begins in '08 with the hands of Rebekah Orenstein, a retired wedding photographer from Carroll County, MD.
Unbeknownst to me pet dander in the home often triggers winter allergies... Bathing your pet once a week throughout the winter is recommended to keep high amounts of allergens out of the air.